Monday, July 4, 2011

Blood on the Battlefield

The blood of those that have fought to keep our country free will be remembered as long as we are here. They have fought not for themselves, but for the country as a whole. They would rather lay their lives down in harm's way in order keep what we hold so dear and that is our freedom. Remember them on a daily basis, because if we forget them then we have already lost the battle.

The blood on the battlefield calls out,
And the soldiers moved forward with a battle shout.
They fought so their family could be free,
And not have to live under the enemy's tyranny.

The blood on the battlefield was not shed in vain,
But inspires those fighting that still remain.
The patriots of our past cause us to pause,
And to know that they fought for a worthy cause.

The blood on the battlefield gives us strength,
And helps us to fight to any length.
The patriots still fight on and hold the fort,
And will their fellow patriots exhort.

The blood on the battlefield will serve to remind us,
That our soldiers who fight are courageous.
The troops will bravely stand their ground,
And our freedom will because of them abound.

-Wade Jinright

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